Regent High School

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School day and assemblies

School day

 8.45 to 9.35am

Period 1

9.35 to 10.25am

Period 2

10.25 to 10.50 am


Tutor Time/Assembly

 (Yrs 8, 10, 12 & 13)


Break (Yrs 7, 9 & 11)

10.50 to 11.15 am


Tutor Time/Assembly

 (Yrs 7, 9 & 11)


Break (Yrs 8, 10, 12 & 13)

11.15 to 12.05am

Period 3

12.05am to 12.55pm

Period 4



Lunch (Yrs 7, 9 & 11)


Period 5(a)  (Yrs 8, 10, 12 & 13)



Lunch  (Yrs 8, 10, 12 & 13)


Period 5(b) (Yrs 7, 9 & 11)

2.35 to 3.25pm 

Period 6 

Total learning hours per day - 5h 25m 

Total learning hours per week - 27h 5m (This excludes break and lunchtimes) 



We operate a programme of weekly year group assemblies.  Students will participate in one assembly every week.  Assemblies are delivered by Heads of Year in one week and members of the Senior Leadership Team in the following week.  This pattern repeats throughout the year. 

 Day Year group 
 Monday  Year 7
 Tuesday  Year 8
 Wednesday  Year 9
 Thursday  Year 10
 Friday  Year 11 / Sixth Form

Collecting students at the end of the day

Parents, carers and visitors are asked not to park in front of the residential garages on Cranleigh Street.  Access by residents to their garages is required 24 hours a day, and parking in front of them, even if only briefly, can cause frustration.