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Parent and Carer support Sessions 2023-24

We hold regular 30 minute Zoom sessions designed to give parents/carers information to help you to support your child at different stages of the year and different stages of their journey through Regent High School. Please see the letter from our Headteacher with more information here.

Each session has a different focus, and together they form a series across the academic year.

There is no need to book; just click on the link when it's sent to you and you will be admitted from the waiting room.

When is the next session?


Monday 29th April 4:30pm Years 11, 12 and 13

 Tuesday 30th April 4:30pm Years 7, 8 & 9

Monday 13th May 4pm Yr7-13

Tuesday 4th June 4pm Yr12



 You can see a full schedule of the support sessions across this academic year below. The links for these meetings will be sent to families a week in advance.

Session 1: Helping your child with expectations for learning (Ms Sheikh) 

Please find the slide for the session here. 

parent zoom 1 180923.pdf


Session 2: 

Please find the slide for the session here. 

parent zoom 2 021023.pdf


Mental Health - Support session

Click here to view the slideshow if this support session

mental health parent zoom.pdf


How can I help support my child to revise?

 Click here to get the information.

how can i help my child with their revision nov 2023.pdf


How can I help my child to develop outstanding learning behaviours?

Click here to get the support.

rmg session 6 november 2023.pdf


What does Anti-Bullying look like at Regent High School? 

Click here to access the presentation.

anti bullying parents 2023 24.pdf


Online & Internet Safety

Click here to access the presentation.

online safety.pdf


Year 11: How can I support my child build on success and learn from failures?

Click here to access the presentation.

y11 success and failure jan 2024.pdf


Year 7-9: How can I support my child with their mid-year assessments? 

Click here to access the presentation.

rmg session 15 january 2024 preparing for assessments .pdf


Year 10: How can I support my child prepare for their exams? 

Click here to access the presentation.

year 10 examinations zoom 20 february 2024.pdf