Regent High School

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Our Curriculum Intent

Curriculum vision statement

Our curriculum sits at the heart of everything we do.  We have developed a curriculum vision statement that enshrines what our curriculum means to us, and its aim.

Our aim is to develop students who have limitless aspirations and are equipped to be successful in any path they choose.  To that end, we offer a broad, balanced curriculum that ensures students master the relevant knowledge, concepts and skills of a wide range of disciplines, whilst fostering a life-long love of learning. We know our students are curious and questioning and our curriculum provides them with the opportunity to deepen their understanding of issues at a local, national and global level and address them with confidence. Our aim is to ensure all students go beyond simply tolerating our differences to celebrating them.

Ours is a responsive and challenging curriculum with sufficient flexibility to meet the needs of all of our students and ensure they are given the opportunity to fulfil their potential. Students can expect to receive feedback which enables them to grow, develop resilience and reach the highest standards. They can expect to be challenged and encouraged to be independent and take risks in their learning. Enrichment opportunities are built into our curriculum to allow our students to experience and participate in a broad range of cultural pursuits, engendering in them an appreciation of human creativity and achievement.



Year 7

When students are admitted into the school they are divided into two mixed ability bands, and further divided into mixed ability teaching groups. They are taught in these groups for the vast majority of their lessons in Year 7 with the exception of Mathematics who set students in ability groups, initially based on data received from primary schools and our own baseline tests done in the first half-term.  Students study either French or Spanish and are assigned one of these languages on entry in Year 7. Students who are identified with a comprehension reading and or spelling age of below 10 years of age are withdrawn from mainstream non-core subjects and taught in small Key Skills classes.  There is fluidity of movement back and forth from these groups where necessary.

The Art & Design and Technology Faculty teaches a rotation of subjects with students following modules in art and design, textiles, resistant materials and food.

Years 8 and 9

The Years 8 and 9 curriculum builds on what students have learned in Year 7. Ability setting continues in Mathematics, and is also introduced in English and Science.  Art & Design and Technology rotations continue for all students.  All other subjects are taught in mixed ability tutor groups.

Years 10 and 11

Students undertake the GCSE options process in the spring term of Year 9, where they are guided onto appropriate courses. The school offers a range of GCSE and vocational courses. Ability setting continues in English, Mathematics and Science. Some students have additional hours of Mathematics and English in order for them to maximise their potential in these crucial subjects.

Sixth Form

In Year 12, most students follow Level 3 courses leading to A Level or BTEC. There is also an opportunity for re-sit classes in GCSE mathematics and English for students who attained below a grade 4 in these areas to enable them to improve.

Students in Year 13 are almost all completing the second year of Level 3 courses resulting in A Levels, BTEC or CTEC qualifications.

RESPECT (incorporating PSHRE and Citizenship)

The RESPECT curriculum encompasses the curriculum areas of Sex and Relationship Education, Health Education, Religious Education and Citizenship.  'RESPECT' is an acronym that includes the following curricular areas:

Religious education

Emotional and relationship education

Social development

Personal growth and health

Economic and careers education


Tutorial programme

The RESPECT curriculum is delivered by form tutors to their tutor groups in a daily tutor time session.  There is a specific programme of study for each year group.  More detail is provided on our curriculum map.

The core principles of RESPECT include

  • Building learning skills
  • Community engagement
  • Understanding British Values
  • Understanding religious contexts and experiences

While RESPECT is not a formally examined subject, students are expected to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding through knowledge tests, group projects and self- and peer-reflection.  The RESPECT curriculum also supports progression onto GCSE and A Level subjects including Religious Studies (GCSE and A Level). Sociology (GCSE and A Level) and Politics (A Level).

Ensuring the curriculum is accessible

Please see our SEN Information Report for information how we make the curriculum accessible for learners with a special educational need and/or disability.

Wider curriculum enhancement

As a former Visual and Performing Arts Specialist school we believe that all students should have a variety of creative experiences outside of the normal curriculum whether that creativity is through arts or elsewhere in the curriculum. In order to meet this aim we offer:

  • trips to arts events for all KS3 students;
  • visits from arts groups to provide events at the school for KS3 students;
  • Science Week during which a programme of trips and events are arranged in school involving the STEM subjects and KS3 lessons have a STEM focus;
  • participation in the Camden STEAM Hub, developing a connected curriculum across our science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics subjects;
  • there are a variety of external speakers and visits arranged through PSHRE addressing topical issues;
  • our careers education, information, advice and guidance programme is supported by visits to careers fairs, external alumni speakers through our partnership with Future First, mentoring through our partnerships with external organisations, and employer engagement opportunities for all students.

We also offer a variety of extra-curricular clubs for students in all Key Stages.

Pastoral structure

All students in the school belong to a tutor group and a year group under the guidance and support of a tutor and a Head of Year.  Heads of Year and tutors remain with their group as they progress from Years 7 to 11; a dedicated Sixth Form team then supports students in Years 12 and 13.  They are responsible for looking after the academic and pastoral needs of each student in their care, for monitoring students’ progress and for creating strong links with parents and carers.  There is a strong tutorial programme in place with the aims of promoting British Values, recognising the importance of democracy, rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance.

Further information

If you would like any further information about our curriculum, please read the following documents.

Our Key Stage 4 Curriculum Information booklet for the current Year 10 can be viewed here. 

Our Key Stage 4 Curriculum Information booklet for the current Year 11 can be viewed here. 

Information about our post-16 curriculum is available here.

Email to request a copy of these booklets to be emailed or posted to you.  Use this email address or call Reception on 020 7387 0126 if you have any questions about our curriculum.