FUTURES at Regent High School: Careers education and work-related learning
Our Futures curriculum
Careers education is an important part of our curriculum at Regent High School. It provides the link between what we do in school and a student’s next steps into the adult world. The Regent High School Futures Programme – our ambitious approach to careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG). From year 7 onwards students will be aware of the diversity and flexibility that is possible in the current workplace and perhaps most crucially that many of the jobs that will be available in the future do not even exist yet. We aim to provide students with the best possible foundation on which to base not only their post-18 and post-16 choices, but also their option choices for subjects in Year 9.
You can read about our ambition for futures education at Regent High School in our Futures Strategy
Careers Leader Details
The Careers Lead at Regent High School is Ms Israel (Assistant Headteacher, Head of Sixth Form and Careers Lead)
Telephone: 020 7387 0126
Email: c.welch@regenthighschool.org.uk careers@regenthighschool.org.uk
Postal: Regent High School, Chalton Street, NW1 1RX
Our Careers Offer
Futures activities take place throughout the year and during each of the five or seven years a student spends with us.
By the end of Key Stage 3, students will:
- know how to use the careers library;
- have found out more about themselves, including their skills and talents, personal qualities, and possibilities for change;
- know how to make decisions, such as choosing GCSE/BTEC options;
- have learned about equal opportunities;
- have met the Careers Adviser;
- have used Kudos to find out more about the types of work they are suited to and are interested in;
- have discovered more about the world of work and the choices they have to make;
- have started the process of action planning.
By the end of Key Stage 4, students will have:
- taken part in Employer Engagement Week in Year 10, which incorporates meeting a range of different employers, using Unifrog to explore their post-16 and post-18 options, and taken part in workshops to develop essential transferable skills;
- used computer resources such as Kudos and Jobs4Uto continue to find out more about the types of work in which they are interested;
- received more information about their post-16 options, including information about local colleges and Regent Sixth Form;
- developed an action plan;
- had a guidance interview with our Careers Adviser, and helped to decide about their next step.
By the end of Key Stage 5, all students will have:
- taken part in Futures Week in Year 12, which incorporates visiting at least one university, using UCAS and exploring post-18 options using Unifrog;
- extended their self-knowledge, career exploration, career management, key and other employability skills;
- developed their career capital (e.g. with work experience, voluntary work);
- devised a set of personal criteria to help them identify appropriate routes to their goals;
- researched, evaluated, obtained guidance on, chosen and applied for an appropriate opportunity and, if necessary, financial support;
- made a back-up plan in case things go better or worse than expected.
Information for students
Students have an extensive range of careers related resources available to them at Regent High School. Students can access these resources from the futures page within their Google Classroom. They will need their school email log in details to access the range of resources available. A selection of these resources are available through the interactive PDF found here.
We are always keen to receive feedback from students regarding the careers programme at Regent High School. To express interest in a particular career or event or to suggest changes to the current provisions, please complete the ‘Statement of Interest’ form linked here.
At Regent High School we champion student voice and are always keen to receive feedback from students regarding specific careers events and activities they are interested in. Students will always be asked for an impact score after a careers event or activity. We recognise that it is sometimes not always possible to give immediate feedback. If you have any specific feedback regarding careers events and activities you have attended, please complete the feedback forms here.
YEAR 10 & 11
Students in Years 10 and 11 face some important decisions ahead of them regarding post-16 education and training. We will support you through Sixth Form and College Open Days information and resources on choosing the best pathway for you. You can access a summary of information regarding post-16 study and options available to you in your futures Google Classroom.
YEAR 12 & 13
Students in Year 12 and 13 will be making exciting decisions about their future beyond Sixth Form. These are some of the most important decisions you will make in your life. All Year 12 and 13 students will receive a one-on-one Careers Meeting with our Careers Advisor and Connexions Officer, Mr Kraku. You can also contact him directly at l.kraku@regenthighschool.org.uk or our careers email at careers@regenthighschool.org.uk You can access a summary of information regarding post-18 study and options available to you here. Locate/make resources on post-18 study options.
Students in Years 11 and 13 may find this resource helpful.
An interesting way to enhance your experience and knowledge of different career avenues is to consider a summer school during Year 12 and 13. There are a number of different charities and organisations that run events.
Some charities that offer opportunities and summer schools to students that would be appropriate for Year 12 and 13 students. You can find more information via the links below:
- Sutton Trust - https://www.suttontrust.com/
- SEO London - https://www.seo-london.org/
- Into University - https://intouniversity.org/
- Target Oxbridge - https://targetoxbridge.co.uk/
You may also find the video on apprenticeshipsuseful. They are an exciting training option at post-16 and beyond! Video can be accessed here. There is more information about apprenticeships in our apprenticeships section.
Gatsby Benchmarks
In 2013, the Gatsby Foundation commissioned Sir John Holman to research what pragmatic actions could improve careers guidance in England. A set of eight benchmarks were devised that school can use as a framework for improving their careers provision. The write-up of Sir John Holman’s research can be accessed by clicking here.
The eight benchmarks are:
- A stable career programme
- Learning from career and labour market information
- Addressing the needs of each pupil
- Linking curriculum learning to careers
- Encounters with employers and employees
- Experiences of workplaces
- Encounters with further and higher education
- Personal guidance
Information for Parents
We welcome parents and carers to share their career experiences with our students. If you would be willing to volunteer, we would be delighted to hear from you. Parents and carers can contact Ms Welch, Assistant Headteacher and Careers Lead at c.welch@regenthighschool.org.uk and our careers inbox at careers@regenthighschool.org.uk to explore opportunities and availabilities to arrange this. We also welcome feedback from parents and carers about the careers programme at Regent High School. Parents/carers can provide feedback using the Google Form available here.
- Parents/carers can access an online video about apprenticeships by clicking here.
- a parents and carers guide to apprenticeships can be accessed by clicking here.
- the National Careers Week website provides a range of resources, and a specific guide and can be accessed here.
- the Youth Employment website provides careers advice for parents and carers and is available here.
- the Parents Guide To website provides a variety of paid- for guides for parents/carers. The website can be accessed here.
- The National Careers Service enables parents and carers to contact qualified careers advisers and explore a range of career information and is available here.
Information for Employers & Employees
We are very eager to work with employers and alumni to build on our current external links. If you are an employer or former student and feel that you could support current students in some way, perhaps by giving a speech, workshop or tour, then we would be thrilled to talk this through with you. If you would like to be part of our employer community, please contact Miss C. Welch, Assistant Headteacher on c.welch@regenthighschool.org.uk
Apprenticeships & Technical Qualifications
You may also find the video on apprenticeships useful. They are an exciting training option at post-16 and beyond! Video can be accessed here. Your Unifrog account is a great place to start investigating whether an apprenticeship is for you. Their information page here provides accessible information to develop your knowledge on how apprenticeships work.
For students in Year 13 considering a degree apprenticeship, you may find these links useful:
T Levels are a vocational alternative to A levels (because they focus on industry) and include practical study as well as classroom learning. They differ from apprenticeships because the study and working time is reversed. Unlike BTECs, T Level courses were developed with businesses and offer an industry placement.
Find out more information here:
For more information regarding apprenticeships or T Levels, please contact Ms Welch, Assistant Headteacher and Careers Lead at c.welch@regenthighschool.org.uk
Our Careers Partners
London Enterprise Advisor Network (LEAN)
Regent High School is proud to be part of the London Enterprise Adviser Network (LEAN).
LEAN connects schools and colleges with employers and entrepreneurs so that all young Londoners are aware of the career pathways and opportunities available to them.
Regent High School currently works with a strategic and dynamic Enterprise Coordinator and tailored Enterprise Advisers. Enterprise Advisers are business professionals that are attached to a school to help shape the careers programme and strategy using their areas of expertise.
More information about LEAN can be found by clicking here.
Unifrog is a one-stop-shop where students can easily explore their interests, then find and successfully apply for their next best step after school. Unifrog will help students to explore key interests and what career paths they can take to reach their goals. With individual accounts from Year 7 to Year 13, students can use the interactive platform to support future decision-making and career options. Students are able to use the platform to engage with exciting opportunities, compare University courses and career pathways and research apprenticeships. Students can also log their careers experiences, which are directly relatable to Gatsby Benchmarks.
Key functionalities of the platform for students include:
- Explore what subjects you would be interested in studying Post 16 and how these choices can lead to different career paths and further education.
- Discover courses in areas that you’re interested in and see what is needed to make a successful application to a College/Sixth Form.
- Explore how to successfully apply to an apprenticeship or university course, including universities abroad.
- Support in writing a CV and Cover Letter
- Record key activities and achievements to use in your application
Employability Skills
iCould is a free online careers resource that can be used by students, parents/carers and school staff. iCould allows students and parents/carers to explore careers, take a quiz about their personality type and future career. iCould also provides school staff with a variety of different teaching resources.
iCould can be accessed by clicking here.
Barclays Life Skills
Barclays Life Skills works with teachers, parents/carers and businesses to help young people:
- Build a job-hunting toolbox – find out how social media can supercharge a CV, get tips for creating strong covering letters and LinkedIn profiles, and practice interview techniques.
- Identify skills – interactive challenges help identify and develop personal skills – with useful advice on selling these skills to employers.
- Gain experience – offered by businesses, organised by teachers and driven by young people – by working through LifeSkills online, they’ll unlock valuable work experience.
Barclays Life Skills can be accessed by clicking here.
Students can sign-up for or login to Barclays Life Skills by clicking here.
Parents/carers can sign-up for or login to Barclays Life Skills by clicking here.
Businesses can sign-up for or login to Barclays Life Skills by clicking here.
School staff can sign-up for or login to Barclays Life Skills by clicking here. Barclays Life Skills provides staff with a variety of resources that can be used as part of the careers pastoral programme or within curriculum time.
National Careers Service
The National Careers Service provides individuals, including students and parents and carers, with a range of careers information, advice and guidance. The National Careers Service offers a skills assessment, career exploration services, online learning opportunities and training courses, careers advice and the ability to speak with a qualified, independent and impartial careers adviser. The National Careers Service can be accessed by clicking here.
Labour Market Information
Labour Market Information (LMI) is a useful tool to help research future jobs within an area, understand the skills needed for certain roles and the demand for future employment.
LMI helps to break down the complex ‘world of work’– ranging from descriptions of different careers, their entry routes, promotional prospects, salaries paid, skills and qualifications needed, etc. Crucially for young people, LMI also covers future demand – what kinds of jobs will be in demand after leaving school and what kinds of skills will be needed.
Students, parents/carers and school staff have access to up-to-date labour market information at Regent High School. Students can set up their own, so I would encourage you to encourage them to do so, and they can log on during PSHRE, free periods or at home.
Start Profile, our online careers resource, provides up-to-date labour market information on a multitude of different jobs and professions. Start Profile can be accessed here.
Students, parents/carers and staff can use Start Profile’s intelligent search function to search for either specific jobs or jobs based on their interests, hobbies or subject preferences. They can then click on the job from the different jobs displayed.
The following menu structure, as shown on this page, will then be presented. By clicking on each section of the menu, different labour market information can be explored. The ‘availability’ menu choice is particularly helpful. It provides labour market information based on employment data by region, future employment data, employment status and gender split.
LMI 4 ALL offers two widgets that allow students, parents/carers and staff to explore labour market information.
- The Skillsometer can be accessed by clicking here. Skillsometer has been designed for those who are not sure what jobs they may be interested in. The widget helps you think about skills, interests and the ways these can link to jobs as a helpful first step in identifying possible future jobs.
- The Careerometer can be accessed by clicking here. The Careerometer provides up-to-date labour market information about both the UK workforce in general and for specific jobs. The Careerometer provides information about weekly and annual pay, projected growth/contraction for different jobs and the percentage of the workforce in that job that will require replacement (due to retirement etc.) in the future.
Information for Staff
School staff, in particular teaching staff, have a vital role in providing students with a stable careers education. School staff have immediate access to Unifrog, Barclays Life Skills and Labour Market Information through Start Profile, which can all be used within the careers pastoral programme and within curriculum time.
Gatsby Benchmark 4, linking curriculum learning to careers, advocates for a holistic careers provision that is intertwined within curriculum content. • The links on the next page provide school staff with a variety of resources to bring careers to life within the classroom.
The Gatsby Benchmark Toolkit for Schools and The SEND Gatsby Benchmark Toolkit provides a helpful insight into ideas and strategies for linking curriculum learning to careers.
We welcome feedback from school staff about the careers programme and regarding any specific events and activities that school staff have attended. School staff can provide feedback using this feedback form here.
If school staff have any questions about the careers programme, linking curriculum learning to careers or would like some additional guidance on these matters, please do speak with Ms Welch, Assistant Headteacher and Careers Lead at c.welch@regenthighschool.org.uk
Careers Policies and Compliance
Regent High School is fully compliant with current national guidance (accessible here). As per the Baker Clause, we welcome colleges and training providers who wish to speak to students in Years 7 upwards so as to discuss non-academic routes that are available to them. Please access our policies and strategies below: